Lumpen station & radio Krov

Lumpen Station radio nam dolazi u Krov u četvrtak, 09. maja od 18h.

Celovečernji radio art show zaokružićemo open mic dogadjajem, na kojem ste svi pozvani da učestvujete…

Lumpen Station’s Soundgate of the Balkans tour in 2024, will open once more from Belgrade during a live radio-happening at DC Krov. In this venue,

we will present some soundworks and performances by local artists and Swiss artists Claire Megumi Masset, Marko Miladinovic and Giorgia Piffaretti who created new projects for Lumpen Station Soundgate.

The audience is invited to follow and discover the contributions, enjoy a moment of listening session and to share the experience with the artist presents. This long duration event is meant to offer a relaxed atmosphere and different layers of reception.

On the same occasion, a pop-up exhibition with visual art works will be in the space, presenting a panel of Swiss artists.

You can listen to the event live on and radio Krov.

Curated by Andrea Marioni

Visual by Studio Vanieli